care of you

Alessandro Baricco - Castles of anger
What I tell people when I recommend it is: let at least one Baricco enter your heart. The pace of his writing, the tact, the comedy and the philosophy of...
Alessandro Baricco - Castles of anger
What I tell people when I recommend it is: let at least one Baricco enter your heart. The pace of his writing, the tact, the comedy and the philosophy of...

Josè Saramago - Blindness
For me, this book was a read that I want to define as "difficult", but not because of the understanding of the text or because it deals with difficult topics....
Josè Saramago - Blindness
For me, this book was a read that I want to define as "difficult", but not because of the understanding of the text or because it deals with difficult topics....

Shiny Hair
Straight, curly or wavy? This homemade recipe gives light and life to your hair! Hair care is essential to maintain healthy, shiny hair. Here you will find some of the...
Shiny Hair
Straight, curly or wavy? This homemade recipe gives light and life to your hair! Hair care is essential to maintain healthy, shiny hair. Here you will find some of the...